

Synmosa has made development in the cardiovascular, respiratory, urology, sex hormone, and oncology therapeutic fields to meet our objectives for caring for people’s health. We focus on the development of quality healthcare products. In addition to developing our own brand name drugs and special generic medicines, we have introduced patent new drugs from our strategic allies. Each of our products are based on patient needs. Synmosa has a comprehensive cardiovascular diseases product line providing treatment to from high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high blood cholesterol to heart failure. Our respiratory track drugs have the largest domestic market share in Taiwan vendors. Synmosa’s complete set of hormone drugs ranks number one in market share in Taiwan. We have constructed a designated hormone factory by international specifications to produce products that meet the needs of female patients. Synmosa also focuses on developments in urology and oncology response to population ages. By using our marketing advantage, international authorization, and global strategic alliance to introduce new treatment materials and patent drug development as part of our effort to meet patient treatment needs in Taiwan.